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Learn with Lutron

Learn with Lutron

The Lutron Lighting Control Institute (LCI) offers courses, videos, and CEUs (continuing education units) to keep you up to date on important industry topics and Lutron solutions. Available for specifiers, contractors, dealers, and end-users, content ranges from introductory to expert level. Choose the format that works best: online, in-person, virtual, and CEU-eligible. Create your free account today. 

Learn on Your Own Time

Learn on Your Own Time

Sign up is simple, free, and enables instant access to over 300 self-guided learning opportunities. Start at any time, and finish at your own pace. Log in from anywhere and tailor your learning experience to your business. You can create custom learning playlists, review information at any time, and learn on your terms.

Prefer In-Person Training?

Prefer In-Person Training?

You have come to the right place. The Lutron LCI has more than 40 years of experience in on-site, instructor-led training. Hands-on, in-classroom learning is available at our U.S. locations. Or attend a live, virtual training when travel is a challenge. Once you create your free, LCI account, it is easy to explore all your options.


Earn CEU Credits

Earn CEU credits

We offer CEUs accredited by AIA, IDCEC, USGBC, and more. See the comprehensive listing of CEUs below and reach out to schedule your in-person, in-market training.

Available CEUs

(AIA Program #WLWB001 (1.0 LU))


(IA #TW2020 -1LU,1HSW)

(AIA #IEH001 -1LU,1HSW)

(AIA Program #TSH002 (1.0 LU))

 (AIA #ALD001 - 1 LU)

(AIA Program #LRll16 (1.0 LU))

Schedule Training


Find a Lutron sales rep to schedule your CEU training or to get help on a project.

Have a question?


Let us help you choose the right solution for your job.

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